Programs recognized by NFACC
Animal Care Assessment Framework
Implementing Codes of Practice: Canada’s Framework for Developing Animal Care Assessment Programs
The Codes of Practice are vital, but alone are not enough – a mechanism is needed to demonstrate that Codes are being followed in order to build confidence throughout the value chain. The Animal Care Assessment Framework provides a credible process to follow when developing (or updating) an animal care assessment program.
There are two ways to view this process:
Key features of the framework:
- facilitates the implementation of Codes of Practice through a nationally coordinated, standardized process for developing assessment programs based on the relevant Code
- helps build clear, consistent communications across the value chain particularly for governments, consumers, and buyers in Canada and internationally
- assists commodity groups in the complex task of developing or revising an animal care assessment program by providing them and other stakeholders with an informed framework and useful resources.
Programs that have NFACC recognition have been independently reviewed by NFACC personnel to confirm that all procedural requirements have been met. The process is the same for both the development of a new program and a revision to an existing program. The designation must be renewed each time program criteria are modified.
All NFACC recognized programs:
- are consistent with the relevant Code of Practice, national standards that are informed by science, practical considerations, and societal expectations for responsible animal care
- are developed by a cross section of stakeholders (notably veterinarians, researchers, producers, auditors, animal welfare advocates, food retail/service, and processors) that must reach consensus on all aspects of the program’s content
- have achieved all mandatory elements for program content, including:
- all Code Requirements applicable to the relevant stage of production must be evaluated within the program as mandatory critical areas of management
- all three types of assessment measures must be used (i.e., animal- or outcome-based, input- or resource-based, and management-based)
- clear sampling procedures must be established for the assessments done on any type of farm.

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