Media coverage
Perishable - Ace Aquatec Launches Welfare-Friendly Trout Stunning System in North America - (27 FEB 2025) - Broad Stakeholder Input Key as Pork Sector Prepares for Pig Code of Practice Update - (16 DEC 2024)
The Western Producer - Pork industry encouraged to share concerns - (2 DEC 2024)
Manitoba Co-Operator - Pork industry asked for take on pig code of practice - (22 NOV 2024) - Any Pig Code of Practice Changes Must be Science Based and Actually Improve Animal Care - (18 NOV 2024) - Preparing Producers for Canada’s Updated Pig Code of Practice Among Prairie Swine Centre’s Research Priorities - (4 NOV 2024)
Calgary Herald - Report questions Calgary Co-op's animal-welfare practices as decade-old debate returns to grocer - (30 OCT 2024)
swineweb - Changes to Canada’s Pig Code of Practice to be Discussed During Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium 2024 - (22 OCT 2024)
Winnipeg Free Press - Changes in hog farming are long overdue - (11 OCT 2024)
Canadian Poultry - Survey opens for update to Canada’s poultry and hatching egg welfare code - (10 OCT 2024) - Canadian poultry industry initiates code of practice update - (9 OCT 2024)
FeedStrategy - Animal Health Canada funding to support animal health, welfare - (9 OCT 2024)
Swine Web - Animal Health Canada Receives Funding Through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership - (9 OCT 2024)
Farmtario - Federal government pledges more than $13 million to animal health, disease readiness - (8 OCT 2024)
Government of Canada - Government of Canada announces funding to improve animal health and welfare - (8 OCT 2024)
realagriculture - Survey opens for poultry sector Code of Practice update - (4 OCT 2024)
Manitoba Co-Operator - Industry asked for input on sheep code updates - (20 JUL 2024)
Manitoba Co-Operator - Federal government pledges $8.6 million to Dairy Farmers of Canada - (17 JUL 2024)
realagriculture - Alberta Beef Producers set to receive $1.9 million for VBP+ program - (11 JUL 2024)
northeastNOW - Rules for the care and handling of sheep to be updated - (9 JUL 2024)
realagriculture - Sheep Code of Practice open for comments until July 25 - (8 JUL 2024)
BC SPCA - Speak up for sheep - (5 JUL 2024)
Farmtario - Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep to be updated - (4 JUL 2024)
National Newswatch - Livestock farms aim to mitigate herd health risks - (17 JUN 2024)
Penticton Herald - Grade 10 Class Wins 3600 Eggs for Wakaw School - (13 JUN 2024)
University of Saskatchewan News - New drug protocol may reduce pain during castration - (13 JUN 2024)
The Globe and Mail - Five ways Canadian egg farmers are cracking innovation and caring for their animals - (11 JUN 2024)
BC SPCA - How your input shapes the Codes of Practice and sets farmed animal welfare standards - (10 JUN 2024)
Canadian Poultry - Canadian egg farmers collaborate with NFACC to enhance welfare standards - (25 APR 2024)
The Western Producer - Canada’s Code of Practice for the care and handling of beef cattle to be updated - (25 APR 2024)
ABP Daily - Canada’s Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Beef Cattle to be updated - (11 APR 2024)
Country Guide - Beef stakeholders invited to weigh in on code of practice - (11 APR 2024)
McGill Reporter - Artificial intelligence in the barn - (2 APR 2024)
Horse Journals - Complex Rules Protect Canada’s Horses - (13 JAN 2024)
Canada's National Observer - This law hides what goes on behind closed barn doors - (3 NOV 2023)
Daily Hive - Opinion: A stressful and fear-filled glimpse into an animal's rodeo experience - (3 NOV 2023)
Manitoba Co-Operator - The Catch-22 on animal activism - (2 NOV 2023)
Northern Sentinel - District of Kitimat moving forward with pilot project for backyard hens - (7 NOV 2023)
CBC - Canada's major food companies say they care about animal welfare. Here's how they actually perform - (25 OCT 2023)
Agri-View - New code affects dairy future - (6 OCT 2023)
The Western Producer - Calf castration requires humane approach, code compliance - (14 SEP 2023)
Manitoba Co-Operator - WHS campaign targets Manitoba hog industry - (1 SEP 2023)
The Western Producer - Dairy code update requires cattle movement - (31 AUG 2023)
Winnipeg Free Press - Billboards urge better treatment for pigs - (21 AUG 2023)
Manitoba Co-Operator - Survey says Canadians want cage-free eggs but purchase choices don't agree - (25 JUL 2023)
Tricity News - Activist calls for CCTV systems in B.C. farm animal barns - (9 JUL 2023)
CHVN - Sheep take over Winnipeg's Living Prairie Museum - (7 JUL 2023)
CTV News - SPCA calls on Quebec to introduce legislation to protect farm animals - (3 JUL 2023)
Farmtario - Animal care council won’t update livestock transport code of practice - (6 JUN 2023)
Farmtario - New research will look at dairy welfare and technology - (5 JUN 2023)
Farmtario - Pork sector shows cross-border anxiety on meat labelling - (2 JUN 2023)
MeatBusinessPro - Manitoba Pork calls on Ottawa to address proposition 12 - (1 JUN 2023)
Winnipeg Free Press - Investing in the Ongoing Enhancement of Animal Care - (31 MAY 2023)
Victoria News - Updated dairy code of practice will see improvements for more than a million cows across Canada - (26 April 2023)
leBulletin - Le Code de pratiques pour les bovins laitiers est publié - (31 MAR 2023)
realagriculture - New Dairy Code of Practice published; implementation begins in 2024 - (30 MAR 2023)
Daily Hive - Opinion: Why Canada needs to take action now to stop octopus farming (PHOTOS) - (17 MAR 2023)
HorseJournals - Complex Rules Protect Canada’s Horses - (15 MAR 2023) - Manitoba kicks off Outstanding Young Farmers award season - (14 MAR 2023)
CTV News - Alberta man accused of starving cattle, selling uninspected meat - (1 MAR 2023)
Mikethechickenvet - Why Canada Keeps Laying Hens in Furnished Cages - (28 FEB 2023)
Retail Council of Canada - Layer hen welfare: Canadian retail’s perspective - (17 FEB 2023)
National Hog Farmer - ERS examines impact of state sow welfare policies on pork production - (30 DEC 2022)
CTV News - Rights group alleges multiple Canadian fast-food chains engaging in animal cruelty, poor treatment of chickens - (14 DEC 2022)
The Tyee - The Escalating Fight Against Animal Agriculture - (14 DEC 2022)
Daily Hive - Canadian chicken, the main character of dinners - (21 NOV 2022)
BC SPCA - New Canadian welfare standards for goats released - (18 NOV 2022)
Foodservice and Hospitality - Egg Farmers of Canada’s Animal Care Program Recognized by the National Farm Animal Care Council - (17 NOV 2022)
The Poultry Site - Egg Farmers of Canada redevelops animal care program - (9 NOV 2022) - New recognition further strengthens Egg Farmers of Canada's national Animal Care Program - (9 NOV 2022)
The Brandon Sun - ACC launches swine production foundation program - (8 NOV 2022)
GLACIERfarmmedia - U.S. hog market in limbo - (20 OCT 2022)
Yahoo!news - Local researcher recognized for bovine welfare - (19 OCT 2022)
GLACIERfarmmedia - Preparing to ship cattle safely during the fall run - (18 OCT 2022)
Fairview Post - Animal bylaw comes into effect - (10 OCT 2022)
Canada's National Observer - Animal rights activists are escalating tactics to expose ‘systemic abuse’ in factory farms. Has it backfired? - (11 OCT 2022)
Manitoba Co-Operator - More time needed on livestock transport code - (8 SEP 2022)
realagriculture - Dairy Code of Practice revamp receives record-setting number of comments - (2 SEP 2022)
Gouvernement du Québec - Amélioration du bien-être et de la sécurité de l'animal - Interdiction des Chirurgies Esthétiques et Amélioration des Conditions de Garde pour les Animaux de Compagnie - (10 AUG 2022)
Toronto Star - When the fox guards the hen house: Despite promises, egg industry continuing to cage hens - (7 AUG 2022)
The Squamish Chief - Meet Squamish locals — goats Daisy and Poppy - (23 JUN 2022)
Buffalo Tales & Trails - Body Condition Scoring Guide for Bison - (31 MAY 2022)
LaPresse - Les critiques de l’élevage d'animaux à fourrure sont injustes - (25 APR 2022)
CTV News - Activists protest inside B.C. SPCA office, demand changes to animal cruelty investigations - (1 APR 2022)
Radio-Canada - D’ici 2028, les vaches laitières devraient pouvoir mettre bas sans être enchaînées - (24 MAR 2022) - Dairy Cattle Code of Practice comment window closes - (25 FEB 2022)
LaPresse - Vers des vaches mieux traitées à l’étable - (20 FEB 2022)
The Georgia Straight - Fur farming is still allowed in B.C.—this needs to change - (4 FEB 2022)
Fish Farmer - BC at the crossroads - (28 JAN 2022) - Dairy Cattle Code of Practice comment window open - (6 JAN 2022)
University of Guelph - U of G Researcher Helps Write First-Ever Aquaculture Code of Practice - (2 DEC 2021)
leBulletin - Les vaches laitières devront se mouvoir le plus souvent possible - (14 DEC 2021)
Global News - 1.3 million farm animals dead due to climate change: What can B.C. do to stop the next catastrophe? - (7 DEC 2021)
The Western Producer - Dairy farmers struggle for consumer loyalty - (25 NOV 2021)
PoultryWorld - UK and Canada: Moving forward with poultry welfare - (25 NOV 2021)
Corporate Knights - Are sustainable poultry claims all they’re cracked up to be? - (22 NOV 2021)
The Western Producer - Dairy licence reinstated amid abuse concerns - (18 NOV 2021)
The Fish Site - Canada releases first-ever code for care and handling of farmed salmonids - (16 NOV 2021)
SeaWestNews - Canadian fish farmers get a code of practice - (9 NOV 2021)
BC Dairy Association - BC Dairy statement on video of animal abuse on farm - (5 NOV 2021) - Joint Animal Welfare Working Group Created - (19 OCT 2021)
BCmilk Marketing Board - Notice to Industry – Cedar Valley Farms License Suspension - (27 OCT 2021)
Fraser Valley News - Elite Farms Pleads Guilty to Two of 38 Charges – BC SPCA Investigate Chilliwack Farm – Abuse Of Broiler Chickens in 2017 - (29 SEP 2021)
The Williams Lake Tribune - Ranch Musings: Animal Care - (5 SEP 2021)
Vancouver Sun - Jan Hajek: We should avoid causing animals unnecessary pain and suffering - (24 AUG 2021)
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News - Capacity a concern but commitment unwavering to protecting livestock: BC SPCA - (16 AUG 2021)
Cowichan Valley Citizen - Amid suspicions over animal welfare, BC SPCA points to gaps in accountability - (4 AUG 2021)
Vancouver is Awesome - It is legal to farm foxes for their fur in B.C. - (23 JUL 2021)
mySteinbach - Farmers encouraged to step up interaction with consumers - (9 JUL 2021)
Glacier FarmMedia - UK formally recognizes animals as sentient beings - (22 JUN 2021)
The Chilliwack Progress - LETTER: We should support B.C. mink farmers, not attack them - (18 JUN 2021)
The Tyee - From Imported Wildlife to Farms, Canada’s Cruelty Laws Run Thin to None - (8 JUN 2021)
Manitoba Co-operator - Comment: Agriculture, the environment, and animal care - (18 May 2021)
University of Guelph, Department of Animal Biosciences - Producing Better Fish - (28 APR 2021)
The Western Producer - Cow Comfort Receives Priority - (1 APR 2021)
The Georgia Straight - Peter Fricker: Farming and grocery industries' broken promises betray majority of Canadians - (1 APR 2021)
Retail Council of Canada - RCC renewing focus on animal welfare through the National Farm Animal Care Council’s multilateral approach - (29 MAR 2021)
Kamloops This Week - One of two quarantined mink farms in B.C. resumes breeding program - (17 MAR 2021) - Market forces at play in sow housing - (16 FEB 2021)
LaTerre de chez nous - De nouvelles pratiques pour le bien-être des chèvres à l’étude - (12 FEB 2021)
The Squamish Chief - Letter: David Suzuki got it wrong on mink - (04 FEB 2021)
University of Guelph - Tina Widowski: Animal Welfare Scientist, Leader, Mentor, Mother - (02 FEB 2021)
KamloopsNow - BC SPCA urges people to speak out against mink industry’s proposed welfare rollbacks - (26 JAN 2021)
Forbes - What A Delay On Canada’s Gestation Crate Ban Will Mean For Pig Welfare - (9 JAN 2021)
- Note: A comment from NFACC had been provided as follows: NFACC’s role is to support the process by which diverse stakeholders come together to develop, update, or amend Codes of Practice, including the public comment period. The stakeholders that were involved in the pig Code’s amendment are available at: This group developed a report that also outlines their rationale for the amendments. It can be found at:
The Chronicle Herald - LYNN KAVANAGH: Fish are more sentient than you think — and here's how you can speak up for them - (30 DEC 2020)
northeastNOW - Agriculture Roundup for Wednesday December 23, 2020 - (23 DEC 2020)
The Chilliwack Progress - OPINION: With precautions in place B.C. mink farms do not pose COVID risk - (23 DEC 2020)
The Western Producer - Education campaigns have drawbacks: prof - (17 DEC 2020)
Toronto Star - Keeping the curtains drawn on secretive factory farm industry - (16 DEC 2020)
- Note: for information on how NFACC functions please watch our You Tube video An Introduction to the National Farm Animal Care Council or visit
Ottawa Citizen - Herscovici: With precautions in place, Canadian mink farms do not pose COVID risk - (11 DEC 2020)
The Sudbury Star - Draft amendments to the farmed mink Code of Practice released for public comment - (7 DEC 2020)
SeafoodSource - Canadian organizations seeking comment on new salmonid farming code of practice - (19 NOV 2020)
The Western Producer - ‘Quit stalling,’ group tells hog sector - (19 NOV 2020)
DH News Vancouver - Opinion: Broken promise means pigs will suffer in inhumane crates until 2029 - (17 NOV 2020)
The Georgia Straight - Peter Fricker: Pork industry should keep its promise to end inhumane practice - (12 NOV 2020)
Keremeos Review - British Columbians asked to weigh in on the treatment of farmed salmon - (9 NOV 2020)
Food in Canada - Draft released – Canada’s first farmed salmonids ‘Code of Practice’ - (3 NOV 2020)
SeaWestNews - Salmon farmers want your input for a better output - (3 NOV 2020)
St. Thomas Times Journal - Sow crate ban deadline extended - (19 OCT 2020)
The Western Producer - Sow exercise benefits found lacking - (15 OCT 2020)
Glacier FarmMedia - New online training program for horse caregivers - (14 OCT 2020)
Cision - We should all speak up for animals on World Farm Animals Day - (2 OCT 2020)
The Western Producer - Increased awareness of equine code sought - (1 OCT 2020)
The Western Producer - Loose sow housing plans delayed - (1 OCT 2020)
The Western Producer - Goat code nearly ready for comments - (1 OCT 2020)
The Western Producer - Financing hog barn conversions can be overwhelming - (1 OCT 2020)
Glacier FarmMedia - New transport regulations require more vigilance from producers - (29 SEP 2020)
The Western Producer - Open sow housing deadline extended - (23 SEP 2020)
Cision - More support needed to help mother pigs have better welfare conditions says global charity World Animal Protection - (23 SEP 2020)
Winnipeg Free Press - Mystery hens raise questions about farm practices - (11 AUG 2020)
realagriculture - One welfare: The human mental wellness link to animal welfare - (10 AUG 2020)
Vancouver Sun - B.C. mink farms are family owned and operated and these farmers respect animal welfare - (22 JUL 2020)
Winnipeg Free Press - Fleece-covered Grounds Crew Begins Work - (13 JUL 2020)
Nation Valley News - Bill 156 protects the safety of Ontario’s farm and food supply, says OFA - (12 JUN 2020)
Glacier FarmMedia - Dutch to cull mink at farms hit by COVID-19 outbreak - (3 JUN 2020)
The Western Producer - Schedules for new animal codes reassessed - (4 JUN 2020)
The Lawyer's Daily - Impact of COVID-19 on equine farms and facility operations - (3 APR 2020)
Harness Link - Protect your Herd - Equine Guelph - (30 MAR 2020)
Horse Canada - Statement on equestrian facility operations during COVID-19 pandemic - (20 MAR 2020)
The Western Producer - Work continues on transport code of practice - (12 MAR 2020)
Alberta Farmer Express - New rest-break rule a challenge for eastern buyers - (12 MAR 2020)
Cision - Canada Flunks on Animal Welfare Says Global Report from World Animal Protection - (11 MAR 2020)
Grainews - Redefining agricultural production - (11 MAR 2020)
CountryGuide - Grains sector backed to develop export rejection insurance - (12 FEB 2020)
Canadian Cattlemen, the Beef Magazine - The latest research on cattle transport and rest stops - (27 JAN 2020)
Global News - Germany, France push to end male chick ‘shredding’ in European Union - (16 JAN 2020)
Windsor Star - Fur farmer defends his industry against protester claims of cruelty - (1 JAN 2020)
Humane Canada - It’s an ‘Ag Gag’! - (27 DEC 2019)
Windsor Star - Animal rights group protests fur farming with banner over E.C Row (26 DEC 2019)
The Western Producer - Dairy calves slip through transport code cracks (19 DEC 2019)
The Western Producer - Producers must know how to manage a crisis (19 DEC 2019)
Whitehorse Daily Star - Changes may be coming to animal welfare laws (25 NOV 2019)
The Western Producer - Roundtable to form code of sustainable crop practices (22 OCT 2019)
The Poultry Site - Talking turkey: a beginner’s guide to Canada’s turkey-farming industry (10 OCT 2019)
The Western Producer - B.C. family raises alpacas for fibre and meat (3 OCT 2019)
Cision - World Farm Animals Day Highlights Need for Better Animal Welfare Standards (2 OCT 2019)
CBC News - Ontario considers bill to protect farmers from animal rights activists (21 SEP 2019)
The Western Producer - Protesters’ goal is to end animal agriculture (12 SEP 2019)
Manitoba Co-operator - Dairy calves, veal sector to see animal transportation changes (19 AUG 2019)
CBC News - 'Terrible way to go': Humane society wants changes after hundreds of cows killed in blaze (13 AUG 2019)
CBC News - Humane society alleges cattle shocked by electric prods at B.C. rodeo (13 JUL 2019)
The Western Producer - Animal protection report explores costs of ‘higher welfare’” poultry systems (22 JUL 2019)
The Georgia Straight - Homeless in Vancouver: You may get a charge out of this cane my friend found (20 JUL 2019)
Alberta Farmer Express - Is there really any need to brand cattle anymore? (16 JUL 2019)
The Western Producer - Industry makes great strides to enhance hog welfare (20 JUN 2019)
The Province - Lynn Kavanagh: Public expects transparency to trust that farm animals are well-treated (20 MAY 2019)
The Western Producer - Animal rights groups said growing more aggressive (16 MAY 2019)
Canadian Cattlemen, The Beef Magazine - Castration tips and pain control (02 MAY 2019)
CTV News Vancouver - Demonstrator arrested at Abbotsford pig farm after PETA video (29 APR 2019)
CTV News Vancouver - SPCA investigating video from Abbotsford pig farm (23 APR 2019)
Manitoba Co-operator - Animal care code updates gain funding (23 APR 2019)
Manitoba Co-operator - There have been many gains on many fronts in the cattle industry (16 APR 2019)
The Western Producer - Goat code of practice to be updated (11 APR 2019)
McCague Borlack Barrister & Solicitors LLP - Is Anyone Ensuring That Your Mink Lashes Are Cruelty-Free? (03 APR 2019)
The Beef Magazine - What we’ve learned about castration in beef cattle (27 MAR 2019) - Livestock farmers invited to comment on transport code (26 MAR 2019)
RealAgriculture - Time for a Code of Practice for grain production (22 MAR 2019)
Canadian Trucking Alliance - Survey: Update to the Code of Practice for Transportation of Livestock and Poultry (07 MAR 2019)
BC Government News - Codes of practice to protect B.C. farm animals (MAR 2019)
CTV Vancouver - Province updates codes of practice after prominent farm animal abuse cases (01 MAR 2019)
BC SPCA - Have your say on fish welfare (MAR 2019)
BC SPCA - Updating Canada’s transportation regulations (MAR 2019)
RealAgriculture - Surveys, new regulations inform livestock Codes of Practice revisions (07 MAR 2019)
Farmscape - NFACC Launches Transportation Code of Practice Update (06 MAR 2019)
The Western Producer - Survey seeks input on livestock transport code (06 MAR 2019)
mySteinbach - NFACC launches transportation code of practice update (06 MAR 2019)
The Western Producer - Three hundred cattle seized from Sask. farm (28 FEB 2019)
The Western Producer - Work on codes of practice receive funding (28 FEB 2019)
mySteinback - Training key to effective livestock transport (25 FEB 2019)
SwiftCurrent Online - Federal Dollars Earmarked For Updating Livestock Codes Of Practice (21 FEB 2019)
Meat + Poultry - Canadian government invests in program focused on animal welfare (21 FEB 2019)
iPolitics - The Sprout: CFIA releases new animal transport rules (20 FEB 2019)
HighRiver Online - Canadian Government Invests In Animal Welfare (20 FEB 2019) - Feds invest in animal welfare initiatives (20 FEB 2019) - Animal codes get funding (20 FEB 2019)
The Poultry Site - Canada invests in industry-led animal welfare activities (20 FEB 2019)
Pembina Valley Online - Government Invests In Animal Welfare (19 FEB 2019)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Government invests in industry-led animal welfare activities (19 FEB 2019)
The Western Producer - Feds pressed on new animal transportation regulations (14 FEB 2019)
The Brock Press - Who regulates the dairy industry? (05 FEB 2019)
Le Bulletin des agriculteurs - Révision des codes de pratiques, c’est parti! (18 JAN 2019)
Manitoba Co-operator - The updated bison code of care has a wealth of information (16 JAN 2019) / meatingplace - Rules for animal transport in Canada under review (09 JAN 2019)
The Western Producer - Transport code of practice in works (03 JAN 2019)
The Western Producer - Report calls for standardizing animal welfare rules (20 DEC 2018)
The Western Producer - Animal neglect linked to mental health (13 DEC 2018)
Canadian Cattlemen, The Beef Magazine - Take-aways from the 2018 beef summit, Part 1 (30 NOV 2018)
The Western Producer - Trust in food system falls, but opportunities still exist (29 NOV 2018)
Alberta Farmer Express - Loose housing is a winning approach, says Canadian pork giant (15 NOV 2018)
Manitoba Co-operator - Hog barn expansion poses questions (02 NOV 2018)
Grainews - New December regulation will benefit livestock industry (31 OCT 2018)
ScienceDirect - Review of Priority Welfare Issues of Commercially Raised Bison in North America (30 OCT 2018)
Manitoba Co-operator - Maple Leaf pulls ahead on open sow housing (23 OCT 2018)
The Western Producer - Maple Leaf embraces open housing in its hog barns (18 OCT 2018)
Global Meat - Maple Leaf Foods introduces sow open house system (11 OCT 2018)
CISION - Maple Leaf Foods Builds Leadership in Animal Care (09 OCT 2018)
Canadian Cattlemen - Pain control in cattle remains a complex issue (02 OCT 2018)
Business Insider Markets - Animal Care Updates Deliver Science-Based Results (OCT 2018) - Space is tied to pig growth and behavior (27 SEPT 2018)
Manitoba Co-operator Bison sector offers insights on using top bulls (August 15, 2018)
Canadian Cattlemen Cross Canada cattle transport... (August 10, 2018)
The Western Producer Feedlots to benefit from new animal care audit (August 9, 2018)
The Journal Pioneer International conference on animal behaviours set in Charlottetown (July 29, 2018)
USAgNet McDonald's First to Serve Certified Sustainable Canadian Beef (July 13, 2018)
The Western Producer Pain control still not common (July 12, 2018)
The Western Producer McDonald’s to offer sustainable burgers (July 12, 2018)
Newswire McDonald's® Canada will be the first company to serve Canadian beef from farms and ranches certified sustainable by leading industry experts (July 11, 2018)
The Western Producer Egg producers question feasibility of free-run (June 28, 2018)
CTV News Vancouver Disturbing video prompts investigations into Fraser Valley chicken farms (June 25, 2018)
The Beacon Herald Perth County cattle farmer pleads guilty to animal cruelty (June 15, 2018)
Equine Guelph News Pilot Study looks at On-Farm Welfare Assessment Tool for Equines in Canada (May 2018)
The Western Producer Horse welfare issues difficult to address (May 17, 2018)
National Observer Ontario SPCA to review graphic hidden-camera footage (May 14, 2018)
The Western Producer Elderly horse care creates tough welfare issue (May 3, 2018)
Alberta Cattle Feeders' Association Why our high standards of animal care make Canadian beef the best (April 2018)
National Post Trader Joe's is being sued for a "misleading egg carton"... (March 26, 2018)
Tri-State Livestock News Reducing pain and stress... (March 23, 2018)
BC SPCA Rules change to improve the welfare of farm animals (March 8, 2018)
The Western Producer Care and handling manual for rabbits released (February 15, 2018)
High River Times Cattle may require extra care in cold (February 7, 2018)
Vancouver Sun Opinion: Horse and carriage critics short on facts... (January 19, 2018)
Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada Equine Code of Practice Survey Project (December 2017)
Cambridge Fur farm protest banner hangs over Hwy. 8 (December 21, 2017)
The Western Producer Veal code of practice gets update (November 27, 2017)
Vancouver Sun Federal documents reveal repeated cases of pigs dying... (November 17, 2017)
Canadian Cattlemen Raising the bar on cattle care (October 24, 2017)
FOOD in CANADA Federal government helps fund animal health and welfare (October 24, 2017)
Meat+Poultry Canada invests in livestock welfare (October 16, 2017)
AssiniboiaTimes Saskatchewan ranching still strong (September 29, 2017)
The Western Producer New bison code of practice good info for beef producers (September 28, 2017)
Standardbred Canada Please Take The Equine Code Survey (September 25, 2017)
Cision Seventh Worker at Canada's Largest Dairy Convicted After Animal Cruelty Investigation (September 6, 2017)
Alberta Farmer Express Lethbridge scientist wins beef industry’s outstanding researcher award (August 30, 2017)
Edmonton Metro Local farmers in high demand with Canadians scrambling over eggs (August 28, 2017)
Western Producer Bison welfare standards updated in code of practice (August 24, 2017)
Canadian Poultry Magazine Getting to know the new Code of Practice (page 20, September 2017)
Food in Canada New swine centre to open fall 2017 (July 28, 2017) Learning About Swine in Ridgetown (July 18, 2017) Latest technology showcased at college’s advanced swine learning centre (July 17, 2017)
Consumers' Association of Canada CAC President Tours Egg Farms as Sector Moves to Enhanced Cages (July 17, 2017)
CBC News Animal cruelty officers to investigate whether 200 Sask. cattle died from neglect (July 11, 2017)
Canadian Cattlemen Talking about euthanasia (June 28, 2017)
UFAW Professor Jeff Rushen 2017 winner of UFAW Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Welfare Science
Manitoba Co-operator Farm and food talks bring new voices to the policy table (June 23, 2017)
Manitoba Co-operator Barn building code changes under fire after blaze (June 23, 2017)
National Post Mercy for Animals: Activists making a difference — or radicals distorting the truth?
(June 20, 2017)
AlbertaFarmer Express Workers fired following chicken abuse video (June 14, 2017)
The Nelson Daily BC SPCA investigates shocking abuse at Chilliwack... (June 13, 2017)
The Poultry Site Canadian Chicken Farmers Protest Against Video (June 13, 2017)
Hamilton Spectator Workers fired over alleged abuse caught on video... (June 12, 2017) Alberta ranch takes ethics of cattle farming to a new level... (June 12, 2017)
CNW Statement on CTV Animal Abuse Video (June 12, 2017)
CTV News Live chickens stomped on, ripped apart at B.C. poultry farms: probe (June 12, 2017)
Meat+Poultry A&W to invest in broiler chicken welfare research (June 7, 2017)
The Poultry Site Retail Council Joins Ranks Supporting National Animal Care... (June 2, 2017)
CNW Retail Council of Canada (RCC) confirms support for the National Farm... (June 1, 2017)
Woodstock Sentinel-Review Animal rights protesters target Norwich... (May 29, 2017)
iPolitics Legalized cruelty: the gaps in Canada's animal transport laws (May 26, 2017)
The Guardian ANIMAL TALKS: Improving animal protection (May 15, 2017)
Assiniboia Times Safe handling can ease stress in cattle (May 4, 2017)
Alberta Farmer New egg layers code wins praise (April 18, 2017)
Manitoba Co-operator Activist misrepresentations slammed by chicken farmers (April 18, 2017)
The Western Producer Welfare standards already exceed certification requirements (April 13, 2017)
The Western Producer Chicken sourcing focuses on bird welfare (April 13, 2017)
Calgary Sun Calgary Co-op caught up in 'cage-free' controversy — again (April 6, 2017)
St. Thomas Times-Journal New cage laws leave some egg farmers in the dust (April 5, 2017)
Manitoba Co-operator Chicken farmers have something to crow about (April 3, 2017)
Winnipeg Free Press Manitoba egg farmers on sunny side of new code (March 30, 2017)
Farmscape Public Interest in Issues Related to Livestock Transportation Builds (March 28, 2017)
News1130 New egg farming rules draw mixed reaction from animal rights... (March 27, 2017)
Global News Humane societies hail new egg-industry code of phasing out... (March 27, 2017) Egg Farmers of Canada and NFACC announce revised... (March 27, 2017)
CNW Canada's battery cage phase-out officially begins (March 27, 2017)
CTV News 'Huge win for Canada's hens': Praise for new egg-laying code (March 27, 2017)
Meat+Poultry Canadian chicken farmers battle negative portrayals (March 24, 2017) Animal activist group has new attacks on Canadian producers (March 24, 2017)
CNW CPEPC says Mercy for Animals' real agenda is to eliminate... (March 24, 2017)
CNW Family Farms Targeted by Activists: Canadian Chicken Farmers Proud... (March 23, 2017) Chicken Farmers of Canada aces national audit (March 20, 2017)
Farmscape Literature Review of Livestock Transportation Research Now Underway (March 17, 2017)
CNW Cara Continues to Work Collaboratively with Canadian Chicken Industry... (March 17, 2017)
Alberta Farmer Express Comments sought on rabbit code of practice (March 6, 2017)
Manitoba Co-operator Earls mends fences after beef controversy (February 17, 2017)
CBC News National policy for care of veal cattle not good enough, says... (February 9, 2017)
Call of the Land New Animal Code of Practice in the Works (February 9, 2017)
Western Producer Deadline nears for veal code input (January 12, 2017)
Blackburn News Public comment period open for care and handling of veal (January 3, 2017)
Manitoba Co-operator Major dairy farm gets six-figure fines in cruelty case (December 19, 2016)
Vancouver Sun Pigs die en masse during frigid winter truck transport... (December 19, 2016)
Canadian Cattlemen Veal Code of practice out for comment (December 7, 2016)
The Western Producer Bison handling code seeks public comment (November 22, 2016)
Alberta Farmer The revised Beef Code of Practice a win for everyone (October 20, 2016)
The Western Producer Does 'cage-free' really lead to better animal welfare? (October 6, 2016)
The Guardian Charlottetown AVC conference focused on welfare of sheep (October 3, 2016)
The Globe and Mail Trial of activist who gave water to pigs puts spotlight on... (August 26, 2016)
Farmscape Transport Code Update Needed to Align with Planned Animal Health... (August 19, 2016)
The Western Producer Key steps to sound animal transport (August 18, 2016)
Manitoba Co-operator Layer hen rules under scrutiny (August 17, 2016)
Farmscape National Farm Animal Care Council Proposes Update of Canada's... (August 16, 2016)
Canadian Cattlemen The price for serving alternative markets (August 8, 2016)
The Western Producer Comments sought on laying hen draft code of practice (August 5, 2016)
Better Farming Group uses egg farm video to challenge welfare code update (July 25, 2016)
Kelowna Now Advocacy group releases video of animal abuse at egg farm (July 22, 2016)
CBC News Horse slaughter transport time should be shorter... (July 14, 2016)
Manitoba Co-operator Poultry care codes released (July 5, 2016)
Blackburn News Animal Welfare Groups Differ On Canadian Poultry Code Of Practice (July 4, 2016)
CNW Canada to accelerate battery cage ban and introduce rigorous cage-free... (June 30, 2016)
CNW Draft Layer Code of Practice released for public comment (June 30, 2016)
CNW New Codes of Practice don't go far enough to care for laying hens... (June 30, 2016)
Times Colonist Proposed rules for egg industry call for phasing out small hen cages... (June 30, 2016)
CNW Les codes de pratiques : science, rigueur et consensus au service des élevages (June 30, 2016)
The London Free Press Animal welfare worries spark new rules (June 24, 2016)
The Western Producer Lights out for better bird health (June 23, 2016)
Humane Society International New Code of Practice for poultry falls short (June 20, 2016)
Blackburn News New Code for Poultry Industry (June 20, 2016)
The Poultry Site New Poultry Welfare Codes Released in Canada (June 16, 2016)
Canadian Cattlemen Canada sets the bar for feedlot animal care (May 31, 2016)
The Stratford Beacon Herald Taking law into your own hands never and option... (May 5, 2016)
Now Toronto Walmart and Disney go cage-free, but it's just the beginning (May 4, 2016)
CBC News Sask. ranchers, premier glad Earls is going back to Canadian beef (May 4, 2016)
The Cattle Site Cattlemen's Association Stands Up for Canada's Animal Care Rules (May 4, 2016)
Global News $100K reward offered for 'animal rights extremists' after 500 minks freed... (May 3, 2016)
Montreal Gazette Earls faces backlash after dropping Alberta beef... (April 29, 2016)
The Calgary Herald Earl's decision a 'slap in the face' for Alberta ranchers... (April 29, 2016)
The Chronicle Herald FARRIES: People skills help police animal care (April 17, 2016)
The Western Producer Livestock rules need penalties (March 31, 2016)
CNW RCC grocery members voluntarily commit to source cage-free eggs by the end of 2025 (March 18, 2016)
Huffington Post The dairy industry duped the public into believing its industry-friendly laws... (March 7, 2016)
The Western Producer Charges laid in B.C. dairy abuse case (March 3, 2016)
Yorkton This Week Agriculture This Week - The impact of big companies on ag (February 17, 2016)
The Globe and Mail Egg Farmers of Canada pledges to stop using battery cages by 2036 (February 5, 2016)
Manitoba Co-operator New requirements in place to mitigate pain during specific... (February 3, 2016)
Farmscape Livestock producers and general public leading changes in attitudes... (February 3, 2016)
The Globe and Mail Tim Hortons and Burger King promise to serve cage-free eggs... (February 1, 2016)
The Cattle Site Changes to the Canadian Beef Code require pain control for cattle (January 27, 2016)
The Western Producer Oral pain control ready for cattle (December 24, 2015)
Canadian Cattlemen A single squirt to manage pain (December 22, 2015)
Maclean's The year of the happy hen (December 21, 2015)
Country Guide After the animal abuse video went viral (December 17, 2015)
Manitoba Co-operator Should livestock farmers need a degree? (December 16, 2015)
The Western Producer Updated Bison Code focuses on euthanasia (December 3, 2015)
Manitoba Co-operator New Poultry Code of Practice drafted (December 1, 2015)