Chickens, Turkeys and Breeders Code – Progress Updates

February 2025

Online orientation sessions were attended by all Scientific and Code Committee (CC) members. The orientation sessions provided an overview of the following:

The first in-person meeting is scheduled for late March 2025 in Ottawa. Initial work to identify the priority welfare issues (PWIs) is just getting started. PWIs are selected because they are important for the welfare of the animal and will particularly benefit from a review of available research.

Some welfare topics may not be selected for scientific review if there is insufficient research or no new research available. These welfare issues can still be addressed by the CC if they fall within the scope of the Code. Both committees will provide input on PWIs before the meeting and then come together to reach a consensus on the final list at the March meeting. The PWI list is the basis for the scientific report. Click here for the 2013 Scientific Report.  

October 2024

The official announcement for the Code’s update was released on October 4th, 2024 along with a top-of-mind survey. Both the Code Committee and the Scientific Committee are in place; members can be found here

An important preliminary step in this process is to invite the industry, general public, and all other interested individuals to submit their top-of-mind thoughts on the welfare of hatching eggs, breeders, chickens and turkeys. This input will help to inform the Code update. The top-of-mind survey deadline has been extended; it will now be open for input until November 8th, 2024. You can access the survey here

Work is underway to schedule virtual orientation meetings for all committee members in November 2024. It is anticipated that the first in-person meeting for this Code update will be in the first quarter of 2025.