New Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens, and Turkeys released

(Ottawa) 15 June 2016 – The Chicken Farmers of Canada, Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council, Turkey Farmers of Canada, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers and the National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) are pleased to announce the release of the revised Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens, and Turkeys.

Canada’s Codes of Practice are nationally developed guidelines for the care and handling of farm animals. They serve as the foundation for ensuring that farm animals are cared for using sound management and welfare practices that promote animal health and well-being. Codes are used as educational tools, reference materials for regulations, and the foundation for industry animal care assessment programs.

“The Code of Practice supports the sustainability of Canadian poultry industries and the success of farmers,” said Vernon Froese, poultry farmer and Chair of the Code Development Committee. “Stakeholder commitment is the key to ensuring that quality animal care standards are established and implemented”

NFACC’s Code development process is a uniquely collaborative approach that ensures credibility and transparency through scientific rigour, stakeholder collaboration, and consistency.  Updates to the poultry Code were led by a 15-person Code committee comprised of poultry farmers, animal welfare and enforcement representatives, researchers, hatcheries, transporters, processors, veterinarians, and government representatives. Aiding in their work was a five-person Scientific Committee that included research and veterinary expertise in poultry behaviour, health and welfare. A public comment period was held in the fall of 2015 to allow the public and all stakeholders to provide input. 

“The Code process provides an important opportunity for advancing farm animal welfare policy in Canada,” said poultry welfare expert Dr. Ian Duncan, representing the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies on the Code Committee. “A step forward has been taken with the completion of this Code.”

Canada’s Codes of Practice are a powerful tool for meeting rising consumer, marketplace and societal expectations relative to farm animal welfare. Codes support responsible animal care practices and keep everyone involved in farm animal care and handling on the same page.

The poultry Code is the eighth Code of Practice updated through NFACC’s Code development process. For more information on the Codes of Practice and NFACC’s Code development process visit

The new poultry Code is available online at

Funding for this project has been provided through the AgriMarketing Program under Growing Forward 2, a federal–provincial–territorial initiative.


About the National Farm Animal Care Council

NFACC is a collaborative partnership of diverse stakeholders created in 2005 to share information and work together on farm animal care and welfare. It is the national lead for farm animal care issues in Canada. NFACC would like to acknowledge the Canadian Animal Health Coalition (CAHC) for their role in securing funding for this project. For more information on NFACC visit

About the Industry Groups

Chicken Farmers of Canada is responsible for chicken raised and sold commercially in Canada. Chicken Farmers of Canada represents the 2,700 chicken farmers in Canada, and ensures that the chicken that reaches Canadians’ table is safe, delicious, and raised to the highest standards.

Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council represents primary and further processors, of chicken and turkey, graders and further processors of eggs, and hatcheries in CanadaThey have a voluntary membership of companies that process and market over 90% of Canada's chicken, turkey, eggs and chicks and poults.

Turkey Farmers of Canada represents the interests of Canada’s 500+ registered turkey farmers. Canadian turkey farmers take great pride in ensuring the humane treatment and care of their turkeys, while providing safe, high quality food to consumers.

Canadian Hatching Egg Producers was founded in 1986 and represents 230 broiler hatching egg farmers. CHEP’s mission is to continue to grow a profitable broiler hatching egg industry in Canada in order to ensure a strong, efficient and competitive industry and a dependable supply of quality broiler hatching eggs to the Canadian chicken industry.

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For more information contact:

  • Jackie Wepruk, General Manager and Project Coordinator, National Farm Animal Care Council,
  • Lisa Bishop-Spencer, Manager of Communications, Chicken Farmers of Canada, 613-566-5911,

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